Ayurveda Quésaco?
Do you know Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India? In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means "Science life" and its scope is none the less as wide as its name! This millennial system, based on the prevention and balance of energies, uses many plants, a unique dietary system and routines and rituals, to cure and prevent diseases and help you live in harmony.
Ayurveda = Science of Life / Longevity
The First Naturopathy
Ayurveda is the great great great grand mother of all natural medicines! While this tradition is more than five thousand years old, Ayurveda is still relevant and used every day by thousands of people around the world.
At the same time a recognized medicinal science, ...
Ayurveda is the great great great grand mother of all natural medicines! While this tradition is more than five thousand years old, Ayurveda is still relevant and used every day by thousands of people around the world.
At the same time a recognized medicinal science, ...
Ayurveda is officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a true system of traditional medicine. This natural medicine owes its longevity to its effectiveness. Ayurveda is indeed both preventive and curative medicine.
But also with an energy approach
Ayurveda considers that the world comes from an original energy called "Prana". Hindu philosophy sees this as a constant and dynamic vital energy that circulates everywhere, in our body to animate it, in our mind to create our thoughts, in our soul to inoculate the spark of life.The Prana is at the origin of the five fundamental elements of the universe Space, Air, Water, Fire and Earth, from which all things decline. In short, Prana is everywhere and everything lives thanks to Prana!
The Ayurvedic holistic philosophy Body / Spirit / Soul
Ayurveda is natural, global, timeless and simply applies to everyone! His secret lies in his holistic approach and in his knowledge of our unity with nature. Ayurveda is based on the belief that health and general well-being depend on a delicate balance between body, mind and soul. So you are at the same time! Its main purpose is to promote health. For her, everything is connected.
The Ayurvedic holistic philosophy Body / Spirit / Soul
Ayurveda is natural, global, timeless and simply applies to everyone! His secret lies in his holistic approach and in his knowledge of our unity with nature. Ayurveda is based on the belief that health and general well-being depend on a delicate balance between body, mind and soul. So you are at the same time! Its main purpose is to promote health. For her, everything is connected.
To get more information
• Ayurvéda : The Science of Self-healing, D. Vasant Lad
•Prakriti : Your Ayurvedic Constitution, Robert E. Svaboda •Ayurvedic Healing: A comprehensive guide, David Frawley • Ayurvedic medecine for the Westeners V1, Atreya Smith |